Saturday, February 29, 2020

It's Not Just Trump: GOP Link Bundle

A reminder that there's a lot more evil in the Republican Party than just Trump...

A reminder that over a hundred GOP representatives backed the end of Net Neutrality... but none opposed it. (And bonus reminder: they generated millions of fake pro-repeal comments to astroturf support for the repeal.)

Paul Ryan, former Speaker of the House, and all around Ayn Rand worshipping, Social Security cutting asshole.

The Republican Party is the party of choice for modern white supremacists arming for civil war- and they have the help of elected Republicans

Nepotism? It's the conservative way.

In Arkansas, they expect poor students to make bricks without straw

This despite the fact that studies show students learn better when they don't have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.

Republicans see no problem in taking a public good and making it literally private property.

Money, blackmail and corruption- business as usual if you want to be Trump's toady.

Steven Menachi, white nationalist and homophobe, is a federal appeals justice now not just because Trump appointed him, but because fifty-one Republicans endorsed him. And he's not even remotely alone.

Republicans will admit that their leader committed crimes... and then acquit him.

And, finally, a reminder that, if these trends are not reversed, our fate will be that of the Weimar Republic.



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