Thursday, July 25, 2019

Link Bundle: Prejudice

Well, I have too many tabs on my laptop web browser, so let's clean them up. I think I can get a bunch of them off just by picking those involving racism and bigotry...

A reminder that modern day conservatives use religious liberty as an excuse to defend bigotry and discrimination... if they bother to require any excuse at all.

Reminders that conservatives only believe in free speech if it's speech that upholds white supremacy. Otherwise, if you speak out against injustice and for equality, they want you dead.

Reminders that our judicial system itself is built on racial bias.

Reminder that Eisenhower, yes, was quite thoroughly racist.

Reminder that, for Trump and his cronies, even legal immigrants must be purged. And, eventually, native born citizens that the conservatives don't like.

Reminder that Immigration and Customs Enforcement is an organization out of control, violating our most basic freedoms at will.

Reminder that conservatives still believe women are property.

Reminder that the party of Lincoln now believes the South should have won the Civil War.

Reminder that there will always be members of a persecuted group who pretend that their persecutors actually like them.

Reminder that, when a system is biased, a computer programmed to follow that system will also be biased.

Reminder that conservatives are working to prevent non-whites from voting at all costs.

Reminder that Trump and his followers are willing to waste money and make America less safe in order to advance nakedly racist goals.

Reminder that "Go back where you came from" has always been racist.

Reminder that, in America, "normal" is defined as "straight white man".

Reminder that racism is alive and well in our schools.

And, finally, reminders that our current administration has no interest whatever in serving any American who isn't white.

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