Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Link Bundle #4

A computer crash didn't lose all my tabs, so while I'm waiting for my replacement computer, here's me clearing out more tabs with the laptop...

Republicans, when they lose an election, do everything in their power to obstruct the winners. When they win an election, they demand that they be allowed to enact their full agenda without dissent.

Pro-Trump vandalism and terrorism, example Nth.

Charitable giving peaked in 2006. It was never sufficient to meet the needs of the poor and sick. It's even less so now.

One of the reasons Trump won: although Obamacare is better for some than what came before, it's still a crappy system with a LOT of people who lose out because of it. Here's one example.

Don't expect the Israeli peace process to advance one inch while Trump's in power, if this is the kind of diplomat he wants.

Remember: Republicans only support freedom of speech if it's the freedom of straight white Christians to persecute people not of their own kind.

Another example of Republicans eager to block free speech if it challenges white supremacy.

Seriously, Jeff Sessions is so blatant about it that he calls for free speech for conservatives while denouncing blacks attempting to use it... IN THE SAME SPEECH.

This article references Chuck Coulson, the Nixon aide who went to jail as part of Watergate, got religion, and then used his religion to advance the same politics he supported under Nixon. His foundation today is the principal funder of Rev. Donald Wildmon's American Family Association and Bryan Fischer's American Family Radio, with their motto of "muscular Christianity." In the end it's all the same thing: using God's name to justify hate, bigotry, and fear.

Thesis for three books: the single greatest political disaster of America's 20th Century was the day Ford pardoned Nixon. Since then, accountability in high office has been a dead letter, and conservatives have felt no compunctions about breaking both the spirit and letter of the law ever since.

The free market creates poverty traps- in fact it ENCOURAGES poverty traps like, for example, mobile home parks. Only by people working together for a common good, and taking power away from unaccountable landlords, can they reclaim control of their own lives.

Republicans try this every year, because they believe women and children should be property. They also try things like this with much more success.

Tom Price, Trump's secretary of Health and Human Services, wants to make it easier for medical corporations to bankrupt elderly Americans. He also wants to push people out of group employer plans and into more expensive, less comprehensive individual plans, because even voluntary, market-based collective action is intolerable to him when there's medical profits at stake.

“No people ever recognize their dictator in advance,” she reflected in 1935. “He never stands for election on the platform of dictatorship. He always represents himself as the instrument [of] the Incorporated National Will.” Applying the lesson to the U.S., she wrote, “When our dictator turns up you can depend on it that he will be one of the boys, and he will stand for everything traditionally American.”

Yet another example of how useless the Democratic Party is, with a quarter of its members in Congress supporting Trump's ignorant nativism. These Congresspeople need to be thrown out.

This cartoon pretty much sums up the modern Democratic Party; ignore or stifle the little people until you need to fundraise.

Reminder: Trump is using the Presidency to add to his personal wealth.

Seriously, a lot. Probably illegally, but Trump and the Republicans control the machinery that would (or won't) prosecute.

After Trump refused to mention Jews in his Holocaust speech, Democrats tried to get Congress to pass a resolution correcting the matter. Republicans blocked it, because they know they need to obey the racists they've been encouraging for forty years.

This is the kind of thing that goes on when a mentally lazy person becomes President.

"Why don't they come here legally?" Because most of them CAN'T.

A reminder that, for all the logjams in Congress, Trump is still making a lot of major changes to America. This is the damage he did in his first two weeks.

OK, time to get back to work...

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